The bible requires that the saints are equipped for good works (Ephesians 4:11-12), thus the foundation school of disciple. This school aims at establishing new members in the foundation of the faith. It is important that new members have a depth of knowledge of God’s word and the family of believers they are joining.
Membership at Royalhouse Chapel begins with accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. We believe strongly in the Letter to the Romans which says "That if you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved" (Romans 10:9).
Benefits of Foundation School of Discipleship to you
Going through our Foundation School as a new member offers you the following benefits:
NOTE: For you to be a full member of this wonderful congregational family of Royalhouse chapel, you must complete the following topics.
Foundation School Classes Topics
Class 1 Doctrine of Salvation
Class 2 God’s Authority through His Word
Class 3 The Parable of the Sower
Class 4 Spiritual Authority
Class 5 The Gifts and Fruit of the Holy Spirit
Class 6 The Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Class 7 Understanding the Lord’s Supper and Communion
Class 8 Importance of Service and Vision
Class 9 Worship
Class 10 Offerings, Tithes & Giving
Class 11 Holiness
Class 12 The Festivals of Royalhouse Chapel
Graduation Ceremony
After you have completed all the topics taught at Foundation School and been baptized (new believers only), you are now eligible for your graduation certificate and become a full member.
It is our fervent belief that by the end of the school most of your questions would have been answered. However, if you still have questions on your mind, then kindly contact us at . We look forward to your becoming a full-fledged member at Royalhouse Chapel International, SLM.